Biblical Reference to Bones Rising Again



Ezekiel 37:1-14 (12)
Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.


A dry bone in this context refers to every area you may be experiencing a droughts or famine. Yes! Because a dried bone is lifeless; it can also refer to dead situations in one's life. However, I have good news for you this weekend, every potential in you that has become dried-dead, shall rise again in Jesus name. Ezekiel prophesied on dry bones as led and they began to locate each other even as flesh covered them up and they lived again.


We serve a God who isn't new to the business of bringing dried (dead) bones to life. Little wonder, Lazarus who was dead and buried for 4 days (John 11:20-45) and that child in 2 Kings 4:32-35 were both brought back to life. Likewise, in 2 Kings 4:1-7, a widow had a last little pot of oil to feed and her children. But, Elisha told her to get as many drums as possible and fill them up from this oil. She poured and poured that all the drums were filled to the brim.


This woman sold them, paid all her debts and lived happily forever. Eh! This weekend, as you decide to pray, God shall turn things around for you too in Jesus name. Why? Because, her case was a financial dried bone, but God did it! That's why I'm being led to ask: What are your dry bones? Is it your finances, jobs, marriage or open doors? This weekend! They shall rise again! Because, God is saying: "I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of them" (Ezekiel 27:12 B).


Be Born Again!


» Evil tree or burial ground where my glory and destiny has been buried. Holy Ghost Fire locate it and cause them to be exhumed now in Jesus name (7 times today).

» Daddy, please let all my dry or dried bones (Mention) receive life now!

» Ask 3 Hard things



A true lover of Christ and a testimony of the Divine grace and manifestation of God's power in our generation. Kehinde Abolarin is a man who has had several encounters with God. He's a dedicated end-time soldier of Christ who gets first-hand instructions and inspiration from God. His Holy Spirit's-inspired messages, motivational video posts, inspirational quotes and daily devotionals have touched many globally with instant proofs and testimonies. By Divine conviction, He believes that God has sent him to showcase the manifestation of His power in this present time through the encouragement of the down and broken-hearted, giving messages of hope to the hopeless and neglected, healing, deliverance, prophecies and maintaining a healthy prayer life. CAREER (Personal Statement) I am passionate about the present-day young and energetic people with great potentials who found themselves in a world full of none or few resources to build their capacities. Having passed through the same stage (still developing myself) through the help of the most high (God), I think I have got the passion and charisma in creating, helping, empowering and merging talents together (also with collaboration with expertise in major fields) in creating a world of successful young talents and professionals. However, as an international business development manager with vast experience in various business sectors, I possess the qualities and experience needed in modern business industries, organisations and government parastatals in growing, marketing, negotiating and implementing both local and international business plans and projects. View all posts by The Food of Champions


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