What Number on the Stove Is Simmer

About Antique Stove Hospital

Covid 19 virus no shock to us!
Each member of the family that operates the Antique Stove Hospital has had another occupation previously dealing in both history and/or the biological sciences at some level.  We find it quite interesting to note and observe the reactions of the modern current population to the recently emerging virus as if this is a "new" problem.  Please refer to the following list of events:
– Athens Greece Plague 430 BC
– Roman Small Pox 180 AD
– Byzantine Plague 541 AD
– Black Death 1346
-London Plague 1665
-Plague of Marseilles 1720
– Russian Plague 1770
-Philadelphia Yellow Fever 1793
-Great 1889 Flu
– "Spanish" Bird Flu 1918
-Asian Flu of 1957
– Hong Kong Flu 1968
– AIDS 1981
-Swine Flu 2009
-Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) 2012
– Ebola Early 2000's
-Zika 2015
– Covid 19 2020

Above is a short list of some of the more notable plagues to surface throughout the common era.  The fact is that these events do happen on a regular basis and have done so throughout recorded history with an alarming frequency rate starting at the beginning of the 20th century.  Although modern medicine is able to reduce the effects of these occurrences, they still do surface on a regular basis and we believe that it is essential that all people prepare themselves in such a fashion as to deal with these events as they surface to the best of their abilities.
Remember that old Kitchen stove that Great Grandma and Grandpa stopped using and had it put into the basement rather than sending it to the dump or scrapyard?    These individuals lived through some hard times like the 1889 flu, the 1918 flu and the great depression.  They reflected on the fact that the new technology was great and "modern", but they refused to get rid of the old technology because they realized that they may have needed it again, and at very short notice!  In fact, younger people have often made the mistake of thinking that the older generations were "holding onto past memories" by keeping that old stove or wine press in the basement.  How different they think now!
We have had a tremendous call  for relatively plain wood burning kitchen ranges since the recent outbreak of the Covid 19 virus.  Although we have tried our very best to keep up with the orders, we are only a small shop and we are struggling to keep up with those orders in addition to our regular work.  The fact is that subsequent generations after the great depression and certainly after WW2 have had it relatively "easy" and have forgotten about how Grandma and Grandpa were quietly and wisely preparing for an unseen sudden event!  We would encourage potential clients to "do as they did" and have a range put aside that will allow you to heat your home, and cook your food, and allow you the freedom to stay at home and not endanger yourselves if there is an order to "shelter in place".
In our opinion, it is probably too late to consider having a stove restored at this point for this pandemic, but it is a reminder for future events.  If you do not have a wood burning kitchen range put aside, or if "Grandma's old stove" is still downstairs in the family home, you may want to consider a purchase or having her old stove restored.  It is one of the least expensive and most needed things in a home when hard times hit in any form.  It is "piece of mind" if anything to know that you have the ability to wait out the emergency at home where you and your family belong!

We at the Antique Stove Hospital have noticed a troubling trend in the past months. There have been several businesses around the country that have opened up with very similar names to ours. Please note that the Antique Stove Hospital HAS NO ANNEXES OR SUBSIDIARY BRANCHES, and is not under any circumstances affiliated with these other businesses trying to masquerade as being one entity. If you are questioning the authenticity of your potential purchase, it is important to make sure that you are buying from either Emery Pineo or Brandon Pineo at the Antique Stove Hospital in Little Compton, Rhode Island. If you have been solicited by ANY other individual who represents themselves as being part of the Antique Stove Hospital, please let us know so we may take appropriate legal action.

Here at the Antique Stove Hospital we specialize in returning wood and coal stoves to day one condition. All stoves are totally disassembled, cleaned, parts welded or replaced as needed, caulked, reassembled, painted, new grates installed and nickel replaced. Our stoves are rebuilt one at a time from good original stoves and guaranteed to operate as they were designed. Kitchen ranges and parlor stoves are available. We carry stove that range from AD 1790 to AD 1930.

Wood/gas combination ranges were the top of each manufacturer's line. They combined the advantages of both the wood/coal winter range and the gas fired summer range. We restore the solid fuel fireboxes to either wood or coal. The gas fixtures are completely rebuilt for propane or natural gas depending upon the planned use of the stove. Gas ovens and broilers are insulated if needed and thermostats and safeties are added to the unit.

We are not a large operation that is restoring stoves on an assembly line. Each stove is personally attended to by Emery or Brandon Pineo and will not leave the shop until it is ready. We do not sell stoves as decorations or curios but for everyday use in your home. I am not a broker. With the exception of castings and nickel plating, all work is done here at the hospital. In rare cases when we are backed up for several months or a year we will give a customer the option of purchasing a stove wholesale with the understanding that it will be delivered by us to a trusted competitor and will be restored by that individual. This is ALWAYS known to the customer and generally is only in extreme circumstances with very large restorations when we are too far behind.

We maintain an inventory of about 300-400 stoves at all times. Call and we can discuss your wishes and the availability of the stoves. I prefer not to accept deposits on sales, but rather ask for payment when you are happy with the stove.

Emery Pineo "Paleostoveologist " and son Brandon "Stove whisperer"

Stoves in Trade etc.
We do take trades if you have a stove we can use. We are also open to other trades. My son is a collector of mechanical music: band organs, nickelodeons, disk music boxes etc. He also restores antique marine engines if they are prior to about WW 1. I like antique autos prior to WW 2 and both of us have Federal Firearms Licenses. I have a fondness for old double barrel shotguns. My first Golden Retriever was traded in on a stove; the best deal I ever made. So if you need a stove and have an interesting trade give us a call.



Changes in business; People used to come in and buy stoves for occasional use and nostalgia. No more! I'm seeing folks that realize that some winter there will be a shortage of fuel and lots of cold people. They are preparing by having a coal/wood range or a parlor stove. Both run on fuels that are available locally and can be stored. Coal can be bought years ahead and stored in the cellar(I buy my supply in July , in plastic 40 pound bags on a pallet. I'm still using some that I bought several years ago). When we loose power I often don't know till morning when I try to brush my teeth.–no water!! Most modern stoves use electricity, or worse –a manufactured product like pellets! This year many dealers got their pellet supply in March–almost spring!! I like my winter fuel supply where I can see it.

My wood and coal restoration has reached the point where I will be doing mostly the coal/wood end of the business and less in the gas area. We send most of our gas work out to a man who specializes in that work only.

Our business has expanded greatly this year. Let's face it, things are pretty uncertain right now. I am currently swamped with folks that are worried about winter heating and the availability of various fossil fuels. My son who originally took a year off from teaching in order to help here, is now full time. If you are thinking of a wood/coal range or heater, please do not wait till the last minute. Order early if you plan to use a stove this winter. We will do our best to meet everyone's needs.


1. I've turned seventy six and I have started to bury my friends. My very best friend of forty years died on election day. Two others in the month before or after.

2. My insurance has taken a quantum leap that means , in effect, I would be working to support them. I now know why they own the large buildings like the Prudential Center

3. These stoves seem to be getting heavier. I need help now to haul even the smaller ranges up a flight of stairs.

4. Time is much more important than money right now . Someone else is catching the fish, I have cars to restore, dogs to walk, and sunsets to be viewed.

You will see that many of the stoves on this site are sold. I do have around 350 right now in stock and we are restoring as fast as possible but cannot catch up. Folks have realized that a wood range may be very important one of these days and are buying now. If you see one you like you can order now and pick it up when it is done. Deposits; We do not take deposits. You tell us what stove you want, we restore it, then you decide if you like the stove. If you do not like the stove you are free to walk away.

BEWARE OF "FRANKENSTOVES". More and more lately we have been encountering stoves where a dealer has taken a body from one manufacturer and added shelves or other parts from another manufacturer. Some such arrangements may consist of a warming oven of unknown origin, or legs that sort-of…maybe fit etc. We believe that you came in to buy a restored genuine complete antique stove and we will not sell you a stove that has mismatched parts. These are antiques and not getting any younger. As a buyer in the market for a stove you must protect your investment by getting a quality restoration of an original whole stove. If you don't buy here, be sure to ask/ investigate!​



I do ship stoves all over the country. I am forced to charge for crating as it takes time and pallets, particle board, ,a trip to Home Depot, etc. Recently I have developed a relationship with a broker that has allowed me to get discounts in the 70% range. The trick is that I must pay up front to get the discount. I usually crate the stove, get the price, then have you pay by credit card before pickup. The difference is enormous. A $1000 shipping charge will be more like $200. Delivery to your home by liftgate can also be arranged if you wish.​

Stove Availability

We are often asked if the stove in the photo is the one for sale. We do not show one photo and deliver another stove like some shops. The stove in the photo is the exact one you will receive. Some dealers use a filed photo and deliver another example or a similar stove to the customer. We will not do that. Many of my stoves say SOLD on the website. That means that that particular stove is sold, however we may have several others of the same make and model available. An example would be a Glenwood C. We usually have 8-10 around at all times, but we would rather send you photos of the exact stove we have to restore for you before you decide on a stove. We are trying to be completely honest about the stove you buy. It is a big investment so take your time, as you will have to look at it for many years!​

Business Changes

If you think things are fine in the USA, you better think again
1. My supplier of firebrick just closed after a lifetime of service.
2. My supplier of sand blast materials just closed after being in business since 1837!
3. My good nickel welding rod has been discontinued as it was too expensive to make.
4. My nickel plater has closed and moved and is no where near up to speed.
5. Every item I buy to work on stoves is getting more expensive at an accelerating rate.
Everything is not OK. Best to get prepared as it looks like trouble is headed our way

Antique Gas Valves

We have been getting lots of calls from folks with gas valve problems. The valves on antique gas stoves NEVER wear out. The proprietary sealant inside them does get old and dries out after 50-60 years. They get hard to turn or you can smell gas leaking from them. You do not need to discard the valves and replace them. We can rebuild these old valves and make them like new.

Call and talk to Brandon if interested.

Coal versus wood in Ranges

I own a 7 acre wood lot but I burn coal. In places where wood is plentiful like Maine, wood makes lots of sense. In my area I have a choice and have tried both. Coal in a rebuilt range will burn for 8 – 12 hours at a time without any tending. There is no dust or odor if you are using it properly. It does take practice but once mastered is great to use. There is no danger of a chimney fire with coal. If you just light the stove for cooking or special occasions then wood is your best bet but if you heat full time think a little about coal .

New Services

1. Glenwood thermometers come in two types. The early and the late ones. The late ones always work and the early examples usually don't. Reproduction thermometers are a poor replacement for an original, and usually come from China. My son has developed a method of rebuilding early Glenwood thermometers. It does require that the original be complete, but if it is, it can usually be made to run like it did one hundred years ago. It is a long, complicated process but will cure the problem forever. Call and ask for Brandon about this service.

2. Stove lessons. If you buy a stove from us , we will gladly hook it up in our showroom and teach you how to run it. We do charge a small fee for this since we need to do set up, get stove pipe, fuel, etc. It is a fine way to eliminate most of the questions folks have when they get home and actually plan to use the stove. Bring some "fixins" and try cooking on your new stove. The fee is $75.00 for this service which covers the time of the technician and fuel etc.

3. We are working on a recipe that will mimic the "old time" stove polish our grandparents used in the past.   It is far superior to the new water based stove polish available today, however it is just as dirty to apply as what Grandma will remember!  The difference is the shine that is obtained with the old time product; it simply can't be beat!

4. We are building a large addition to our shop. It will house a Goff shot blast machine and large generator. This will speed up our business and result in an even better product. Currently we cannot sand blast below freezing but with this machine there is no problem rain/shine cold or warm. It will also eliminate all dust leaving our facility and be more friendly to the local environment and ourselves!

Buying Your Own Stove

Be careful! I paid way too much for the first few stoves that I bought. Now I often walk away and pass the stove by. Here are some good things to keep in mind when buying a stove.
1. Stoves on Ebay and Craigslist are usually MULTIPLES of the actual value. I often see stoves advertised for more than we sell them for when they are restored.
2. Most stoves are not "rare". Maybe you haven't seen any like it but we have. When you start looking you would be surprised at the number of ranges around. Many just have not been looked at in years.
3. Not all old stoves are expensive or even desirable. Many are in such poor shape that they are really best used for parts for other stoves. Some will need so many parts that they can't be realistically restored for a reasonable price.
4. Some are just illegal and of little value. Gas/wood ranges with one oven usually fit this category.
5. Some are rare. That can be a problem. If you need parts they may not be available. That lowers the value of the stove.
6. Some are just for museum pieces or decorations. They have to be bought at a value that will let you just set them aside to look at.
7. If you pay too much, you will actually spend more in the long run than if you came in and just bought a stove from a restorer.
8. Do not use a stove without it being rebuilt. I have only seen 2 or 3 that did not need a rebuild and that includes new old stock stoves that were never sold.
9. FRANKENSTOVES! This is a stove that is made by combining pieces from other, usually unrelated stoves. When you buy an antique stove you should expect to get the whole stove and not a base from one company, a body from another company, and a back made by someone else. Some dealers do this. Look the stove over well to make sure the parts are marked from the same manufacturer. An antique stove can be an investment , but not if it is a conglomeration of parts from other stoves.

We usually pay from nothing to about $300 for ranges. Some are more but they have to be very good, very unusual, or something we have an order for. When you buy you need to figure in the cost of restoration. Nickel can run to $400-$600 or so, a rebuild can run $1500 to do it correctly, and grates can cost $300-$400.  Are any parts missing? They need to be found and paid for. That can run into real money.  It is often less expensive to purchase a stove from our finished inventory unless you have a sentimental stove passed down from the family.


Just finished!  Stewart Oak 180.  Most stoves are prone to failures in certain areas if proper maintenance was not performed on a regular basis over the years.  This example was no exception!    This stove has hung around here for at least 20 years in outside storage due to a failed fire-pot.  We have been actively seeking another fire-pot for that duration and it became apparent that this was a very common failure point for this model/brand.  Without wanting to wait any longer on its restoration, we resolved to make a pattern for the fire-pot with some improvements to help combat future failure.  It took may hours of carving and working  on both metal and wood with all sorts of equipment to make our efforts successful, and the above results show why we took the time!  A fine stove going back to its original placement in upstate New York for another century of service.  (If anyone needs a fire-pot for a Stewart Oak in size 18 or 180, we would be more than happy to let you have use of our pattern.)

Household Base Heater #6


The Household Base Heater was the last of the base heaters designed in this style.  Because of that fact, the makers learned from all of the mistakes made in the previous designs from the other companies.  The result was the above pictured stove which is certainly the strongest and best designed of the famous Taunton-made base heaters; and also the most scarce and sought after!  These were only made for a few years at the very end of the coal burning era when oil furnaces were beginning to be made.  As a result, they are very hard to find today in any condition, and this one was found to have NO REPAIRS NEEDED internally when going through the restoration process.  Needless to say, this is the finest of the base-heaters in the finest condition possible in the most desirable size!  If you need, or are considering an efficient coal stove, this is the one for you.  Do not wait as we will not have another in this condition.   Sorry, just sold

Quaker Auto Range


Whenever I work on one of these Quaker Auto stoves, I think of the "four freedoms" series of pictures by Norman Rockwell.  These tiny ranges seem to represent everything that was embodied with the sayings in the Four-Freedom pictures; especially "freedom from want," and "freedom from need".   The range itself has quite a small footprint, but that is where small ends!  The designers managed to shoehorn in a full size oven consistent with larger ranges at the time, and the cook-top is very spacious for a "tiny range".  A small range with a big heart that is far more able than many people would believe.  Freedom from want and freedom from need are just what is found when your property is equipped with a range like this (coupled with a Victory Garden) during these uncertain times!
It is also interesting to notice how the names of stoves reflect the most popular forms of technology at the time they were made.  This range was made just at the time of WW1 and at the time of the "Great War," automobiles were becoming commonplace and were the forefront of technology and admiration.   This range having "auto" in the name is just one such example; which was followed up in the later 1920's with another range from this maker called a "Quaker Radio"!
A small, great quality range with a small price to boot!  $2700.00

What's New?


It is becoming harder and harder to find certain parts and pieces for some old stoves. In certain cases it is prudent to go to the trouble and expense of creating a pattern mold for the missing parts so they can be cast as needed for the future. These patterns that are used by the foundry to cast the parts are generally made from wood and carefully fashioned so the iron parts come out correctly. This is a time consuming process that requires that we source/use certain pieces of equipment that may or may not be available any more… like the stove parts themselves that we are trying to make! Recently, we were able to source a piece of equipment that we have been seeking for years that will enable us to make very accurate patterns for stoves. The Parks band-saw depicted above is exactly what pattern makers would have been using in the stove foundries to make their patterns. A band-saw with these 36″ wheels makes it much easier to make the cuts needed to accurately generate our wooden patterns. A real triumph for us, and another relic from the past that will not be going for scrap, and one that will be utilized for the exact purpose it was originally intended to do a full century ago!


Here is our new Goff Shot-blast machine.  At my age it is getting very hard to dress up like Neil Armstrong on the moon and shovel all that sand in the sand blast room.  We were also exhausting some dust from our blast room that was not harmful, but was a nuisance.   We now have a completely self contained system that cleans the stove parts with tiny steel shot.  It also reuses all the shot and collects all the dust and rust inside the dust collector in the background.  Nothing leaves the building except fresh air.  This was a huge expense but we feel it was worth the effort to protect the local environment, and ourselves.  The finish on the castings is also much more smooth and makes for a finer appearance in finished work.

Just finished: # 8 Glenwood Home Grand


The Home Grand was the largest domestic range from the Glenwood Co.  They were first sold in 1898 as the #8, and were considered to be the flagship range in New England for any modern home.  The model was popular and made in various forms right up to World War 2.  This #8 was purchased here long ago and some unforeseen devastating events led to this range living here for a quite a while longer.  It is my pleasure to share that the customers hard times have passed as well as they can, and the stove has been sent along to its new home where it was destined many years ago.  A very able range which has the ability to heat up to 4000 sq. feet in an open concept home!

Gracie ( not for sale!)


Meet Gracie. She is a rescue dog and when we got her she was unable to climb into the car. Fat, dull coat , and little interest in anything; she had spent most of her time in a cage.
She has discovered that 10 acres is a treasure trove of stuff for a dog to do.  Free to roam and investigate as she pleases. She has lost 10% of her body weight, has a shiny coat and runs all day long.  Addicted to tennis balls and frizbies, she also loves to hunt for mice, chipmunks, and generally keep the place free from most anything. She is now a happy, energetic member of the family.

Shep (also not for sale!)


This is Shep.  A true "rescue" dog who was scheduled to be euthanized within 24 of when we saw him. He was skinny and had been abused badly but has finally struck gold. My son and his wife have adopted him and he is fitting in well here at the Stove Hospital.  Here he is resting between attacks on Gracie. If you drop by he will probably be here to help greet you.

"S" series Glenwood Gas range just finished!


The SNJ series Glenwood range was the largest domestic gas range in their lineup for 1928-29.  They were introduced just toward the end of the roaring twenties when nobody could see any hard times in sight ever again….how wrong they were!  This very large and stately range (985 pounds !) was introduced just before the great depression took hold of America and not many were sold due to the fact that those who had the money kept it close with an uncertain future, and those who did not have the money for a range like this at the time could not "buy on terms" and pay in installments.   At almost $700.00 in 1928, one could have bought three of last years model "T" fords or two of the new Model "A" fords!  Not a small expense then and with their rarity, these are no small expense now!
This range has undergone a FULL TEAR DOWN (most shops will not do this for this model) that took a full seven weeks of labor/eight hours per day!  It is equipped with two ovens; one daily service oven and another "super capacity" oven for larger meals.  It also has two broilers: one vertical and the other in standard broiler configuration, as well as a warming closet and an upper warming shelf with active warming burners!
The cooking surface was furnished in solid configuration with six powerful burners designed to direct and concentrate the heat under the cooking vessels, but would also collect the waste heat and send it behind the stove and up to the warming shelf above the cook top.  This heat was then sent into the warming closet where it then was exhausted either into the home or up a flue as the customer desired.  We also furnish this model with the open cook top so the stove does not have to pre-heat for every day use in our fast paced lives.  These are a marvel of engineering and are the finest gas ranges ever made past, present, and (I dare say) future!
Both ovens are furnished with the famous Glenwood insulation as well as the Robert-shaw carbon rod thermostat which is known for its degree-specific accuracy.  (No plus or minus degrees in the oven, they are spot on!) These  ranges also have the doors that swing to the side avoiding all mishaps with broken springs and hinges.  This unit is from my personal collection and is ready for the next 85 years of service!
Call for pricing (Its expensive, but there are none finer at any price!)
Pending, but not sold yet!  Get on the list if you have interest!

Just a word about ranges.

When they were originally sold, you purchased the base range which was the base and the body. Then you added options till you arrived at the stove that met your needs. These options included the gas side car (left or right or both), gas side shelves, overhead gas ovens, water tanks, internal water heaters of several different types, a choice of 6 or 8 different grates, through the floor chutes for ashes, cabinet bases, colors, warming ovens (above and below the range), kerosene set up, left or right firebox, and many more choices. If you can think of it—somebody built it. Sometimes we have a difficult time finding some configurations as they may have been very unpopular at the time of manufacture or proved to be less durable than other choices. If you have something in mind I will try to find it for you.

​In New England many folks never throw things out.


This garage is one example of someone that could not part with the old stoves. Over the years it developed into a small collection of stoves. The place is now sold so they had to go. This is the third such garage I have been in this year. Two truckloads came from here to my barn. They will all be restored and put back into use.

​Wood/Gas Combination Ranges

Many of the combination ranges are illegal today. Call with a description BEFORE you buy one and we can help you determine if it is one that can be serviced, or if it is best left where it is now! THIS CAN SAVE YOU LOTS OF TIME, MONEY, AND GRIEF!

Unique Stoves


Barstow coal recirculator 1851, Chilson Trio stove 1851, Low Art Tile stove 1880's

These are all odd ball stoves from the 1850's- 1880's. I collect stoves that are old enough that they will never be called on for heat again. Many of these are close to unique and all of them reflect the best thinking of their time. These were the high tech implements of the past and should be saved. I have perhaps 100 or so and I will continue to collect, repair, and store them. My son, the history teacher, takes a new stove each week to his schoolroom and displays the best ironwork of each era.

Eventually they will go into some museum for future generations to appreciate. If you have a strange old stove that is probably too old for use. I would like to know about it. I do not sell these but will eventually donate them somewhere where they will be safe.

Why New England Stoves

We prefer stoves made in this area for several reasons. One is that many stoves manufactured in the mid-west are part sheet metal and part cast iron. The pieces are riveted together and a rebuild requires drilling out all the rivets, removing lots of asbestos sheets, and putting all new rivets in when assembling the stove. The parts that wear are usually buried under the oven or in the back. I would rather eat a worm. Stoves in this area are plentiful and come apart easily. We can disassemble, replace parts etc., and reassemble without worrying about whether the parts will fit or not. If we have defective parts, they can be replaced or recast as needed. You end up with a better product.

UL Listing

Many times an inspector will say a stove must be UL listed. This rule only applies to stoves manufactured since Jan. 1, 1981. Any stove made before that time is grandfathered but must be looked over for damage etc. The rules are found under the BOCA codes or the ASME codes, " solid fuel room heaters" in the exemption section at the end.

Here is how we rebuild


This is an example of a Glenwood 508E range that spent many years in a barn and at least two or three outdoors. It looks to be complete with no breaks but it needs a complete rebuild.

Rebuild Service

What is involved in properly rebuilding a kitchen range?
I have seen many examples of shoddy work in what was supposed to be a rebuilt range. Examples include just taking the cook surface off and sandblasting the stove whole to just a good washing with detergent. All may look good upon completion, but only one will last. See the below sections for the correct, long lasting rebuild process.

Rust Jacking


This is my son's name for what kills old stoves. There is caulking in the joints of the stoves. Over the years the stove heats and cools many times plus it sits around all summer and gets damp every day.

When the stove heats up, the metal expands and any loose caulking or rust tends to slide downward in the joints. That puts pressure on the lower corners of the stove. Dampness adds more rust and that rust grows and expands.  Eventually it breaks the corner brackets and panels begin to move around which breaks more sections. In the end the stove falls apart in a heap.

Rustjacking is one reason why a rebuild is so important.

1. We disassemble to the last nut and bolt. Everything needs to come apart so we can inspect all the parts and replace missing or badly damaged parts.  (Most dealers don't do this but claim they do.)

Notice that even the base has been broken down. I do this so I can paint the inside of the legs where they touch the side rails. If I don't do this there is a chance that rust could form in the joint and travel under the paint. It isn't that bad for the stove but it is ugly.

2. It is at this point that I usually find a number of cracks , broken pieces , or worse yet, something that was fixed years ago by that uncle that knows everything. I usually end up un-restoring these parts before I continue.

3. Everything goes into the sandblast room or shot blast area and is sorted and set on the table. I use a system that recirculates the sand so I use it several times. It breaks down into finer particles and actually works better after it has been used a couple times.  The same is true for our shot blast machine.

4. After blasting , any broken parts are replaced if available or they go to the welding area and are welded, fish-plated, or both. I also usually need to replace corner brackets by welding or fabricating new ones. Certain models seem to break in certain places, so I try to reinforce them in these areas for long service
 5. All parts after repair are then painted with high temperature stove paint, or if from a porcelain stove, the parts are lye dipped and cleaned.  After the above, it is time to get ready for assembly!

6. The entire stove is assembled in one of our assembly areas , and once the caulking is dry and cleaned it is painted again for a total of three coats.

7. The firebox fixtures are put in place which could be in the form of a wood bottom, coal/ wood grates, or coal only bars. New grates are generally available and our contracted  foundries do a very nice job. We then line the firebox with refractory material appropriate to the application.

8. An ash pan is built to fit the stove, and the thermometer is fixed or replaced.

9. Nickel plating is replaced on the stoves at this point. I have a very good shop which is not cheap, but churns out fantastic work. A kitchen range will run from about $400.00 and up depending on the complexity of the nickel for that model.

10. A custom in-house made stove pipe is fabricated to make the first transition from the oval range outlet to the standard black stove pipe of the customers choice.

Some notes on these stoves


One of the reasons stoves wear out is not that they are used each winter but that they are not used each summer. In summer the house gets warm during the day. At night cool air falls down the chimney and moisture condenses inside the stove. This water mixes with the ash and forms harmful chemicals which eat the iron from the inside out. Stoves with water tanks are often paper thin around the tank. Be very careful when purchasing these stoves. It is best to disconnect the stove from the flue in summer to eliminate the problem.

We paint our stoves with a high quality stove paint. Rust has never been a problem for us. One way to eliminate the problem is to rub a small amount of cooking oil into the cook surface in spring. Just put some on a rag and rub into the metal. Get rid of the rag right away to prevent festering and fire danger. The stove will smoke some in the fall the first time it is lit, but it will soon go away.

Sometimes some of the stove cement will stain the stove around joints. I take some cooking oil on my finger and rub it into the area. In ten minutes the stain goes away and never comes back. I have no idea why.

Most stoves advertised online like Craigslist or ebay are overpriced. I cannot buy these, fix them , and break even. Everyone thinks they have the only one around. Too much Antiques Road Show and American Pickers. If you cannot sell your stove it is priced too high. If you want to buy a stove, don't be afraid to walk away from a deal that seems wrong. I do all the time.

When looking at a stove check the corners, get a flashlight and look around in the oven, in back, and underneath. Especially check the wall between the firebox and the oven and the corners. Can the stove be fixed or do you need to find another like it to get one good one? Keep in mind the cost of restoration. Nickel runs $400.00 and up for a range, Welding rod is $77 per pound, paint is not cheap and I buy it by the several case lot. Sandblasting is quite a project. Don't forget grates. A new set from a foundry (if you have the original patterns) can run between $200-$300. The firebox liner will run $50 or so. Add it up before you buy and find out it's too expensive. Most antique ranges can be purchased for under $300. Do not buy wood/ gas combos without checking. Most are illegal today.

Let's say you find a model T Ford in a barn. Would you drag it home, pour gas in it, and start to commute to work with it the next day. No! People try it all the time with stoves. You cannot just connect a stove and start using it. Here are some of the problems;

1. Does it have grates? If not you need to find a set. Some folks use thick steel plates in the firebox. They expand more than iron and will crack the box. Can you drop wood down in the ash pit?  Yes you can, but it will blow a hole in the oven wall before long. The folks that designed these stoves knew what they were doing and you should do your best to get the stove back to what it was in the beginning. The autos today are pretty dependable after 110 years or development. The wood/coal stove industry in the USA started in 1627 and lasted until WW2 or so—over 300 years. Trust me they got it right!!

2. "My friend says that If you burn wood you don't need a liner in the firebox;" I hear that all the time and it is flat wrong. I also get calls all the time from people wanting a new firebox!  Don't listen to the old-timer that tells you bunk like this. We have liners for almost everything. A firebox with a proper liner is good for a century or two. Fireboxes are expensive because so many people have used them without liners!

3. The stove is just like new and ready to use. NO!!! We bought out a building full of new old stock ranges from the 1930's. They were still crated and every one needed a rebuild!
The caulking in the joints breaks down, the joints develop rust, the joints fill with soot and particulates, and the corners are under great pressure. A rebuild puts everything back to day one and the stove will last a lifetime.

4. The stove gives off a ton of heat, it even gets red. OUCH! The stove should NEVER get red. If it does, it is overheated and will warp, crack, self destroy, etc. The stove is leaking air, or you need a damper, or you need a liner or some lessons!

5. Dampers: I keep hearing that "you don't need a damper" or "a barometric damper is just as good":  both are wrong.  If you have no damper you will just send the heat up the flue and ruin Greta Thunberg's ice caps… not to mention fatigue your stove. Do not confuse the controls on the stove for dampers. The controls inside the stove are draft directional controls that send smoke up the flue directly, or force it around the oven cavity. You do indeed need an old-fashioned manual damper in one section of the pipe above the stove.  Some modern installers insist on a barometric damper; they are required with most modern stoves but will kill any chance of heating with an antique. Go to the hardware store and buy a plain old-fashioned damper; they work.

Till the advent of oil, folks had these and nothing else. They long ago perfected the coal and wood stoves of their day. Coal burning technology peaked around 1910 and went down hill because of cheap oil and central heating. Don't try to out think what they did. Better to use their ideas and enjoy the stove and the heat as was originally intended.

Forty years of experience in restoring wood, coal, and gas stoves.

I currently have a large number of wood/coal ranges by Glenwood, Crawford, Fairmount, Premier, Household, Herald, Oakland, Glendale, etc. These are priced in restored condition from $1700 and up depending on rarity etc. I also have many in various original colored enamels. Let me know your needs and I can probably help.  ​​In the column below you will find types of stoves I sell and a list of stoves currently for sale.


SCROLL DOWN TO SEE THE NEW LISTINGS!  Feel free to call with any questions on the available merchandise.


Queen Atlantic


Glenwood "OurWay"


Twin Cabinet Glenwood #8​


The Twin Cabinet Glenwood wood range. We have been unable to find any dealer or collector that has seen another Twin Cabinet Glenwood. This may be the only one and it spent most of it's life in the Belfast, Maine jail where it cooked for the inmates. Later it was sold at auction and we retrieved it from a nearby barn. It is almost 7 feet long and we used it to cook two turkeys at the Antique Stove Association annual convention. Both were done perfectly and delicious.
Twin cabinets were sold primarily to institutions or places like Odd Fellows Halls where they cooked for large numbers of people. They were also popular for restaurants etc. but have long since been replaced by gas or electric units One of the nice things about this stove is that you can light one side for a smaller group or both for a large crowd. If you are looking for a very large , impressive range, that may be unique, this may be the ticket. Customer choice for fuel; wood or coal or a combination of the two! $8200.00

Stewart Base Heater


I am always looking for unusual stoves. I like large to very large stoves even though I have no place to even light one. We like Oak stoves and any stove with an extension barrel on top. This is a Stewart Round Base Heater model 76 from 1888. It was in a general store that closed back in the 50's and just came to light. They also made a similar stove that was oval and it must be pretty special. If you have an unusual stove I would like to hear about it and perhaps purchase it.

Restored antique or a new range:
​what is best for you?

Antique stoves are fantastic to use and lend a sense of nostalgia to any room, but sometimes they are not the best choice for everyone. While investigating stoves/ranges it is important to shop around so you can become an informed customer on both old and new stoves that are available. To assist in this process, we have recently partnered with Obadiah's Wood Stoves based out of Montana. In our opinion, they are the most knowledgeable individuals in the country to consult with pertaining to newly manufactured stoves and ranges.

There are several factors that can help determine what era stove may suit your needs best. Some of these are as follows:
-The extent of regulations on stoves/emissions in your state or municipality. (UL etc.)
-The environment in which the stove will be used: (Very wet, salty air/ corrosive fumes etc.)
– The degree of use the stove will be subjected to on a daily basis.
-How rough the stove will be handled in shipping and in day to day use.

Although many stoves made prior to 1-1-1981 are grandfathered and exempt from new regulations, there are other factors to consider. Some municipalities are not familiar with the rules and will insist on UL listings for all stoves and will force individuals to install new stoves only. Other times there are local town/state/ or association regulations that pertain to particulate and smoke output from home owners. In both of the above situations a new stove may be the best choice. In other situations, a stove may be subjected to severe handling and severe use as in rural overland tundra delivery on sleds, and constant 24 hour fast burning. Due to the fact that cast iron is brittle when handled severely and the fact that antique stove parts can sometimes be difficult to obtain, a new range or stove may be your best choice as parts are available and steel construction will deal with some bumps and shocks. Another thing to consider is the local environment where the stove will be installed. If you are going to put your stove in a high humidity and salt laden area, you may want to consider a new welded steel stove as there are fewer joints where "rust jacking" can occur.

All things considered, we understand that sometimes the lifestyle of our potential buyers does not always coincide with an antique stove, and when that is the case, we strongly recommend consulting with the experts at Obadiah's Wood Stoves for great information and very competitive prices on new stoves and ranges. See their collections and forums through the following links:


Oakland Duo

Here is the perfect stove for people that want both coal/wood cooking and heating plus the availability of 4 gas burners for warm weather use. This stove was bought and placed in a basement to be used"just in case" . That time did not come and the stove is in remarkable condition today. We have completely rebuilt it with new coal grate and liner. The cook surface has been rebuilt with 4 gas burners set up to run perfectly on propane. The enamel is exceptional and the original sticker is still on the backsplash. m The oven runs only on solid fuel so the stove does meet code in all states. $3600

Crawford Oak # 15

Just Finished! This medium-sized very scarce first series Crawford oak has just been completed and is ready to go! It is an oak style stove which means that it can burn both wood or coal fuel as needed and was furnished with doors that will accommodate both fuels for ease of use. This example was restored with the super rare triangular grates which are shaped like an hourglass, and it still had its original finial ornament. The finial on this model was very pretty, but a bit fragile; and we were fortunate to find this unit complete with the brass garland on the front which is often missing! A real gem with its copper cameo accent pieces in the skirt; it is sure to brighten up any room. Ready immediately for long service: $4500.00 Available 2/9/21

Stewart/Glenwood Model 208C

Glenwood series 380 Range

Here is an example of the Glenwood 208 C sold as a Stewart Range. Stewart and Glenwood made stoves for each other during the depression and they were sold under both names.. This is the larger size and was the most popular range in New England for 30 years. This one can be set up for wood or for coal, customer's choice.
These are hard to find in this color and will really brighten up a kitchen when used. If you are looking for a fine range in a very pretty color you may wish to look at this stove. $4000 set up for either fuel.

This is a third-series Glenwood "C" range. These were made in the early 1930's and they are among the strongest and finest designed ranges. The time period in which these were made was the very last years of the all cast-iron ranges and the designers had reached their zenith! Although they are not the most ornamental ranges, they were built for the tough depression years when people demanded quality for their hard-earned money. This same rule still applies, and for the person who just wants a no-frills very well made strong range; this is it! This example excels particularly well with coal, so we decided to set it up in advance for that fuel. Available immediately, and priced to move at $2700.00 (please note: oven rack was not depicted but is included in sale)

Two recent completed conversions to gas and/or electric


Many folks want the look of an antique stove but with all the modern conveniences as well. Here are two antique ranges that were recently converted to use gas or electricity. These were both ranges that would have been marginal to use with solid fuel any more due to many years of abuse. All interior panels were removed and replaced with new appropriate materials, then the stove was insulated and all new gas or electric components installed. The result is a durable antique stove with the modern conveniences we are used to. Similar stoves are made today but are far more expensive, lesser quality, and look like caricatures of real antiques.
This is a two part process. We have many stoves available for conversion but can not afford do the conversions here in our facility. We have friends that are tooled up to do this work with less expense and faster than we can, and thus we recommend using their service. Any stove for conversion that we sell will be transported to their facility as part of the price and the customer (with prior correspondence) will deal with them as to conversion costs. We do not get any kickback from work done at these shops. Several dealers use this same facility; we are just telling you up front so you can save several thousand dollars.

Grand Herald Range


Just in.  We found a very nice Herald range this week.  The Grand Herald was one of the great stoves produced in Taunton back in the early nineteen hundreds era.  They are eceptionally well built and are wonderful stoves with either wood or coal.  We have the fire box extender for this stove plus the correct coal grates as well.  This one has never been restored and is in great original condition.  If you are looking for a very distinctive, very large range , this may be the ticket.  It can easily be restored to new condition  by Fall.

Charm Crawford Royal with the large gas oven and broiler

This is a time warp stove. It sat on the second floor of this home since the 1950's and was never used. It is in great condition and the side car is the hard to find large unit with an extra leg for support. The broiler drops out of the bottom of the side car and after to put the food to be broiled on the tray, the whole unit lifts up into the bottom of the oven. This stove can be had set up for wood only with a huge fire box or for coal if you wish. I heated my home for several years with a similar stove , on coal,and did most of the cooking as well. One of the great stoves that we rarely see coming to the surface today. Call and talk to Brandon if you are interested in this stove.

Finding Old Stoves


We are constantly told that antique stoves are very rare. Most are far more common than most folks think. Here are photos of my truck returning with three loads of stoves. The last photo is late April 2013 and is the first of perhaps three loads to be removed from one home. This first load is 5 pre 1900 ranges and about 4 parlor stoves. The middle photo is a Glenwood double oven range plus about half a ton of parts we found when the snow melted. The parlor stoves range from fairly recent to the mid 1800's. Antique stoves are rarely thrown out in New England and there are still many out there to be found.

The Romance of
​Restoring Old Stoves


Folks are always telling me about the romance of restoring stoves. Well here I am in the attic of a three decker in New Bedford on a day when most folks are at the beach. The temperature up here was very close to 100. The place was obviously the place to put anything that was unwanted or unneeded and was full of old clothes, toys, etc. The stove is near mint condition and I bought it. Then down three flights around corners and into the truck. We work pretty hard for some of our stoves but we also get to snoop around other folks stuff. We hauled two ranges this morning, and I did find a beautiful waterfowl print as well. Its not all greeting customers and counting money. It is very hard work when we would rather be doing something else, but it is all good in the end

Going off the grid?


I have received many calls from folks planning to go off the grid. They want a wood/coal range for the winter and they want to do some cooking in the summer. The wood stoves tend to be too hot so it would be nice to have some gas burners. Above all they want to be free from electricity and usually fossil fuels. Many companies made the perfect range during the depression but they are illegal today. The reason why they are illegal is that they burn gas plus any other fuel in the oven and exhaust both up the same flue. Too bad as they were exceptionally well constructed stoves.

We have taken one of these stoves and removed all the gas fixtures from the oven. You end up with a 4 burner gas cook surface and a wood or coal fired range with oven. This is legal and should meet the needs of folks who plan to be self sufficient and off the grid. It is also perfect for people with a camp that is used occasionally.

The green one above is sold already but we will be getting some more in and setting them up in the same fashion. We completely disassemble, modify the oven to eliminate the gas fixtures and all the holes that came with the gas pipes etc. Then we carefully assemble the stove, rebuild the gas on the surface, add new grates and a firebox liner, and clean the stove from top to bottom. We do not put pilots on the surface burners so that you will not be burning any fuel when the stove is not in use. Customers tell me that a 20 pound grill bottle lasts for months. These came in various colors and we will try to find the color you want. We can set the stoves up to burn wood only or coal/wood. As of March 15 I have 5 in stock ready for restoration.

The tan stove is a smaller Glenwood Duplex that we took from a third floor apartment in Newport, RI. Serpentine narrow stairs and lots of fun. This stove will be restored to new with gas on the cook top and a new set of coal/wood grates in the firebox. This stove came from the company set up for kerosene and is in like new condition. If you are looking for a nice"off the grid" stove this may be it.

Glenwood Modern
​Home Grand 208


The 208 Modern Home Grand was the flagship range from Glenwood. The "modern" term refers to the second series of this range which reflected the public demand for less ornate decoration of ranges starting in about 1910. This is a massive range that combined all the best ideas from the Glenwood designers. This range can be set up for wood or coal depending on the customers wants/needs or a combination of both fuels. If you are a wood burner only, this stove has the largest firebox I have seen in a range at 25 inches long due to the exceedingly rare extension-box feature. If you are a coal burner, you can expect that this range will run overnight on a fresh load of good anthracite while not only doing all of your baking but also a good portion of your heating. A robust, powerful, long-lasting range that can easily bake for twelve people but is just as useful for less. This example just sold . Sorry.

Glenwood C


This Glenwood C is a fine example of the most popular stove in New England for 20 years from 1914 till 1934 or so. Sturdy with a large firebox they make superb wood stoves and fine coal ranges as well. With wood they are fed from the front and have at least a 22 inch firebox. I have a flock of these in black,gray, tan, mint green, and some with sidecars as well. Completely restored to new condition these start at $2900 and up depending on options. I have just acquired this model with a gas sideshelf. Perfect for that camp or isolated home. SOLD I do have about 8 of these to be restored in stock

Triple Crawford


There have been only four triple Crawford ranges ever found and I found all four of them!!! Two have double ovens overhead and two have the earlier single oven. The single oven is quite large and has a broiler that drops out of the bottom. You place the food on it and push the button to bring the food up under the burner. Pretty high tech for 1917.

I have just found the fourth one and it is in far better condition than the others that I have found. These were never designed for the average person; even the ads show people in minks and maids in high heels. These were for folks for whom only the best would do. If you are looking for a stove that is close to unique , enormous, and capable of cooking for large numbers: this is one to look at.
These were designed to burn wood or coal on the left to heat the stove top and the lower oven. The gas side has 4 large burners plus a small simmer burner. Gas also powers the upper oven and the drop broiler. The ashes come out through the lower left door, and the lower right door is for warming. Very big,very substantial, very unique stove. Originally this also had an internal gas fired water heater but I would suggest not using it today.  Sorry, Sold

Cabinet Glenwood M


Before WW1 Glenwood produced huge numbers of stoves in a great many models. This is one of the Letter Stoves and filled a gap between the Glenwood E and the Glenwood K. It has the enormous firebox found in both plus the warming oven above and below. These are ranges designed with a large cook surface and oven yet they take up less space than many smaller ranges. The reason is that the ashes come out the front through the small door on the left. That eliminates the ashshelf etc. on the end of the stove. This stove is a little longer than 3 feet wide without the right shelf. Even with the shelf it is only about 42″ yet it has a 24″ wood firebox and a 20″ oven. The cook surface is the exact same size as the larger Glenwood ranges. We just got in a Glenwood cabinet M with the roll oven. It is in good shape and will be a great stove with either wood or coal. These are hard to come by so speak if you want one. SOLD

What Number on the Stove Is Simmer

Source: https://stovehospital.com/

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